Source code for naming

import re
from pathlib import Path

from .base import _BaseName, NameConfig

__all__ = [

[docs] class Name(_BaseName): """Base class for name objects. Each subclass may have its own `config` attribute that should be a dictionary in the form of {field: pattern} where `pattern` is a valid regular expression. Classes may as well have a `drop` iterable attribute representing the fileds they want to ignore from their bases and a `join` dictionary attribute for nesting existing fields into new ones (or to override other fields). All field names should be unique. No duplicates are allowed. Example: >>> from naming import Name >>> class MyName(Name): ... config = dict(base=r'\\w+') ... >>> n = MyName() >>> n.get() # no name has been set on the object, convention is solved with {missing} fields '{base}' >>> n.values {} >>> = 'hello_world' >>> n Name("hello_world") >>> str(n) # cast to string 'hello_world' >>> n.values {'base': 'hello_world'} >>> # modify name and get values from field names >>> n.base = 'through_field_name' >>> n.values {'base': 'through_field_name'} >>> n.base 'through_field_name' """
[docs] class File(_BaseName): """Inherited by: :class:`naming.PipeFile` File Name objects. All named files are expected to have a suffix (extension) after a dot. ========= ============== **Field** **Characters** --------- -------------- *suffix* Any amount of word characters ========= ============== Example: >>> from naming import File >>> class MyFile(File): ... config = dict(base=r'\\w+') ... >>> f = MyFile() >>> f.get() '{basse}.{suffix}' >>> f.get(suffix='png') '{base}.png' >>> f = MyFile('') >>> f.values {'base': 'hello', 'suffix': 'world'} >>> f.suffix 'world' >>> f.suffix = 'abc' >>> '' >>> f.path WindowsPath('') """ file_config = NameConfig(dict(suffix=r'\w+')) @property def _pattern(self) -> str: sep = re.escape('.') casted = self.cast_config(self.file_config) pat = r'({sep}{suffix})'.format(sep=sep, **casted) return rf'{super()._pattern}{pat}' def get(self, **values) -> str: if not values and return super().get() suffix = values.get('suffix') or self.suffix or '{suffix}' return rf'{super().get(**values)}.{suffix}' def get_path_pattern_list(self) -> list: """Fields / properties names (sorted) to be used when solving `path`""" return [] @property def path(self) -> Path: """A Path for this name object joining field names from `self.get_path_pattern_list` with this object's name""" args = list(self._iter_translated_field_names(self.get_path_pattern_list())) args.append(self.get()) return Path(*args)
[docs] class Pipe(_BaseName): """Inherited by: :class:`naming.PipeFile` Pipeline names have a field `pipe` which is composed of distinctive elements that make a resource unique. +-----------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Field** | **Characters** | **Description** | +-----------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *version* | One or more digits | Required field that helps track important states of a pipeline resource during its lifecycle. | | | | | | | | This allows for history revision, rollbacks and comparisons. | +-----------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *output* | One or more word characters |Optional field used when the produced data can be separated into meaningful distinct streams, e.g: | | | | | | | |- Left or right channel of a track. | | | |- Beauty, specular, diffuse render passes. | | | |- Body, eyes, hair textures. | +-----------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *index* | One or more digits |Position of an element within the pipeline resource when it is a sequence, e.g: | | | | | | | |- A frame of a rendered shot. | | | |- UDIM textures. | | | |- Chunks of a cache. | | | | | | | |If used, the *output* field must also exist. This is to prevent ambiguity when solving the fields. | +-----------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ====== ============ **Composed Fields** -------------------- *pipe* Combination of unique fields in the form of: (.{output})*.{version}.{index}** \\* optional field. ** exists only when *output* is there as well. ==================== Example: >>> from naming import Pipe >>> class MyPipe(Pipe): ... config = dict(base=r'\\w+') ... >>> p = MyPipe() >>> p.get() '{base}.{pipe}' >>> p.get(version=10) '{base}.10' >>> p.get(output='data') '{base}.data.{version}' >>> p.get(output='cache', version=7, index=24) '{base}.cache.7.24' >>> p = MyPipe('my_wip_data.1') >>> p.version '1' >>> p.values {'base': 'my_wip_data', 'pipe': '.1', 'version': '1'} >>> p.get(output='exchange') # returns a new string '' >>> 'my_wip_data.1' >>> p.output = 'exchange' # mutates the object >>> '' >>> p.index = 101 >>> p.version = 7 >>> '' >>> p.values {'base': 'my_wip_data', 'pipe': '.exchange.7.101', 'output': 'exchange', 'version': '7', 'index': '101'} """ pipe_config = NameConfig(dict(pipe=r'\w+', output=r'\w+', version=r'\d+', index=r'\d+')) @property def _pattern(self): sep = re.escape(self.pipe_sep) casted = self.cast_config(self.pipe_config) pat = r'(?P<pipe>({sep}{output})?{sep}{version}({sep}{index})?)'.format(sep=sep, **casted) return rf'{super()._pattern}{pat}' @property def pipe_sep(self) -> str: """The string that acts as a separator of the pipe fields.""" return '.' @property def pipe_name(self) -> str: """The pipe name string of this object.""" pipe_suffix = self.pipe or rf"{self.pipe_sep}{{pipe}}" return rf'{self.nice_name}{pipe_suffix}' def _format_pipe_field(self, k, v): if k == 'index' and v is None: return '' return rf'{self.pipe_sep}{v if v is not None else rf"{{{k}}}"}' def _get_pipe_field(self, output=None, version=None, index=None) -> str: fields = dict(output=output or None, version=version, index=index) # comparisons to None due to 0 being a valid value fields = {k: v if v is not None else self._values.get(k) for k, v in fields.items()} if all(v is None for v in fields.values()): suffix = rf'{self.pipe_sep}{{pipe}}' return self.pipe or suffix if else suffix elif not fields['output'] and fields['index'] is None: # optional fields return rf'{self.pipe_sep}{fields["version"]}' return ''.join(self._format_pipe_field(k, v) for k, v in fields.items()) def get(self, **values) -> str: if not values and return super().get() try: # allow for getting name without pipe field in subclasses pipe = values['pipe'] or '' except KeyError: kwargs = {k: values.get(k) for k in self.pipe_config} kwargs.pop('pipe') pipe = self._get_pipe_field(**kwargs) return rf'{super().get(**values)}{pipe}'
[docs] class PipeFile(File, Pipe): """ A convenience mixin for pipeline files in a project. Example: >>> from naming import PipeFile >>> class MyPipeFile(PipeFile): ... config = dict(base=r'\\w+') ... >>> p = MyPipeFile('wipfile.7.ext') >>> p.values {'base': 'wipfile', 'pipe': '.7', 'version': '7', 'suffix': 'ext'} >>> [p.get(index=x, output='render') for x in range(10)] ['wipfile.render.7.0.ext', 'wipfile.render.7.1.ext', 'wipfile.render.7.2.ext', 'wipfile.render.7.3.ext', 'wipfile.render.7.4.ext', 'wipfile.render.7.5.ext', 'wipfile.render.7.6.ext', 'wipfile.render.7.7.ext', 'wipfile.render.7.8.ext', 'wipfile.render.7.9.ext'] >>> class ProjectFile(MyPipeFile): ... config = dict(year='[0-9]{4}', ... user='[a-z]+', ... another='(constant)', ... last='[a-zA-Z0-9]+') ... >>> pf = ProjectFile('', sep='_') >>> pf.values {'base': 'project_data_name', 'year': '2017', 'user': 'christianl', 'another': 'constant', 'last': 'iamlast', 'pipe': '.data.17', 'output': 'data', 'version': '17', 'suffix': 'abc'} >>> pf.nice_name # no pipe & suffix fields 'project_data_name_2017_christianl_constant_iamlast' >>> pf.year '2017' >>> pf.year = 'nondigits' # mutating with invalid fields raises a ValueError Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Can't set field 'year' with invalid value 'nondigits' on 'ProjectFile("")'. A valid field value should match pattern: '[0-9]{4}' >>> pf.year = 1907 >>> pf ProjectFile("") >>> pf.suffix 'abc' >>> pf.sep = ' ' # you can set the separator to a different set of characters >>> 'project_data_name 1907 christianl constant' """