
Inheritance diagram of naming.PipeFile

class naming.PipeFile(name='', sep=' ')[source]

A convenience mixin for pipeline files in a project.

>>> from naming import PipeFile
>>> class MyPipeFile(PipeFile):
...     config = dict(base=r'\w+')
>>> p = MyPipeFile('wipfile.7.ext')
>>> p.values
{'base': 'wipfile', 'pipe': '.7', 'version': '7', 'suffix': 'ext'}
>>> [p.get(index=x, output='render') for x in range(10)]
>>> class ProjectFile(MyPipeFile):
...     config = dict(year='[0-9]{4}',
...                   user='[a-z]+',
...                   another='(constant)',
...                   last='[a-zA-Z0-9]+')
>>> pf = ProjectFile('project_data_name_2017_christianl_constant_iamlast.data.17.abc', sep='_')
>>> pf.values
{'base': 'project_data_name',
'year': '2017',
'user': 'christianl',
'another': 'constant',
'last': 'iamlast',
'pipe': '.data.17',
'output': 'data',
'version': '17',
'suffix': 'abc'}
>>> pf.nice_name  # no pipe & suffix fields
>>> pf.year
>>> pf.year = 'nondigits'  # mutating with invalid fields raises a ValueError
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Can't set field 'year' with invalid value 'nondigits' on 'ProjectFile("project_data_name_2017_christianl_constant_iamlast.data.17.abc")'. A valid field value should match pattern: '[0-9]{4}'
>>> pf.year = 1907
>>> pf
>>> pf.suffix
>>> pf.sep = '  '  # you can set the separator to a different set of characters
>>> pf.name
'project_data_name   1907   christianl   constant   iamlast.data.17.abc'